On the ground in Lebanon: the voice of youth

Lebanese journalist, Paula Naoufal hosts the first of CMEC’s “On the Ground” series of podcasts, listening to the voice of people actually on the ground in the region. In this episode, she hears the perspective of youth in Lebanon from two Lebanese students: Widad Taleb and Lyne Mneimneh.

The views expressed in the recording are those of the speakers alone.

In CMEC’s “On the Ground” series, we will be providing a platform for young presenters to speak to and amplify the voice of those on the ground in the Middle East. These are important perspectives for decision-makers seeking to understand the region in depth and nuance, but which do not always penetrate policy-making circles. This series does not aim to offer a definitive view of any country or issue, but simply to present an insight into experiences and perspectives of those on the ground، “ في الشارع “ in the region, with the aim of enhancing understanding and policy discussion.

If you have an idea for a CMEC ‘On The Ground’ podcast, contact [email protected]